401k, 401a, 403b, and everything else!
If you are a business owner, you may have noticed that the retirement plan landscape is changing dramatically. Large wirehouses and other brokers not providing fiduciary obligations are leaving segments of the market. Companies are being sued for badly run retirement plans and fiduciary negligence, including underperforming funds, failing to monitor provider costs, and conflict of interest in fund selection. Investment management is moving away from one-size-fits-all target date funds to tactically managed accounts designed to protect the downside (who doesn’t remember the pain of 2008?) and to provide a more personal investor approach.
Move away from companies with no or limited fiduciary liability that ask what they can sell you or that will “help” you to one that will do it for you. Redhawk Wealth Advisors, Inc. (RWA) is a bonded, full-service RIA firm with E&O and fiduciary liability insurance. With RWA you will have a company that:
- serves as an ERISA 3(38) fiduciary and accepts maximum fiduciary responsibility over the plan investments allowed by law
- will select appropriate funds and monitor performance per investment policy
- provides full documentation and understandable reporting
- monitors the fees within the plan to ensure that the DOL standard of reasonableness is maintained
- delivers employee education seminars and assistance for personal fund selection
- continually services after implementation, including personal retirement planning
- maintains a vested interest in reducing investment plan risks and costs.
Get More for Less
You may think that all this will cost you more. In fact, the opposite is likely, as in our experience we can often reduce costs substantially even while providing superior products and services and reducing liability exposure for the plan sponsor. Our Fund Selection and Performance Monitoring Process screens fund choices by criteria established in the plan investment policy statement, which are then filtered by best in class choices within each investment class. The continually evaluated process is unique in the industry.
You already know that good retirement plans can play a big role in employee satisfaction and employee retention. Our services include formal education plans that are documented, monitored and enhanced regularly, which helps improve employee participation and participant outcomes. Leave navigation of the 404(c), 408(b)(2), 404(a), 3(21), 405a-5, 401(m), 3(38), 401(a)(9), 4974, 72(t) and so on to us, so you concentrate on what you do best — running your business.
We invite you to take advantage of our offer for a free comprehensive Retirement Plan Review. This review will include complete Fee Analysis and Benchmarking.
We will deliver Provider Comparison Reports with plan expense comparisons and investment performance evaluations. The results will show whether you have the right services for your size plan and for your demographics, whether you are paying the right fees, and whether you are getting an ROI that you deserve. In addition, we will look at options that enable company executives to increase their levels of contribution if that is of interest to you. You will learn about powerful plans you never knew existed.
Complete and return the downloadable survey today, or simply contact us to have a brief conversation to introduce you to the broad range of excellent services we provide. Let us help you turn your plan into a program that truly works for you and your employees, may save you money, and takes away the worry of compliance with regulatory changes, legislative developments and fiduciary liability exposure. Contact us today.